
Showing posts from December, 2024

You've had your Six!

The Spy Smasher traveled to the USSR with a fake identity. He broke into Comrade Monke’s dacha and took out his gun. He shot at the bed six times. Suddenly, the lights turned on and Monke was standing there, with his Makarov pistol aimed at the Spy Smasher  -Congrats, you just took that pillow’s life!” Monke said. The Spy Smasher aimed his gun at Monke and pressed the trigger. But the gun didn't fire! -”You’ve had your six, Alan Armstrong…” Monke said, and shot at the Spy Smasher, killing him and ending his reign of terror. -"From the motherland, with love!" Monke said. Monke went to bed, sleeping peacefully afterwards.

The Kidnapping of 0P

He walked through the door and sat down in his big, red chair, stroking his white persian cat. He poured himself some vodka, lit a cigar and left the cat down. He was none other than Comrade Monke and he had finally achieved it, he had become the leader of SMERSH. SMERSH was thought by most to have been a thing of the past. However not only was this untrue, but SMERSH was stronger than ever, and amongst the most powerful global criminal organizations and counter-intelligence agencies in the world. Suddenly he heard a pistol being taken out. -”Get up slowly, turn around, and follow us.” Monke did exactly that. He followed them to the helicopter. While following them, he found dead bodies belonging to his minions. He got inside the helicopter and he was taken to a mysterious base. He was welcomed by none other than the legendary Tony Camonte. He was tied up and tortured, in revenge for getting Dr. Sivana killed. Monke used his super strength to break free, he punched Camonte unconscious ...

On the Party's Secret Service!

He smoked a cigar and entered through the front door. He ordered some vodka, and sat at the poker table. He started playing, and was constantly winning. “But his luck will surely run out at some point” the others thought to themselves. But no, he kept winning, and winning. -”I suppose you wouldn’t care to raise, would you?” -”No objections!” -”I have to say, I admire your luck, mister…?” -”Monke. Comrade Monke” He smoked another cigar. Suddenly, he was given a card by the waiter. He read it: “IF YOU WANT TO MEET ME, COME TO THE PARKING LOT IN EXACTLY 20 MINUTES” Monke drank his vodka and left the table. He took his hat, put it on his head, and walked to the parking lot, where he met Jimmy, the American agent that was his ally in the operation. -”Jimmy!” -”Comrade Monke! How nice to see you!” -”So, what do we know about him?” -”He comes here every night. It’s strange he isn’t here yet!” Then, they saw a car approaching, so they hid behind another car. -”I think that’s him!” And Monke w...


He choked the guard with the garrote. He killed several more of them before he burst through the window and shot them with his gun. He made his way throughout the floors, searching them carefully. Finally he found her: She was tied up to a bed. He freed her but she stabbed him, killing him! In reality this wasn’t anything more than a training camp. The bullets were blanks, the knife was fake, and the guard was merely acting. -”You failed and died, again!” -”Sorry sir, but training just isn’t the same as a real mission” -”You should have done your homework. The woman was kidnapped but nothing was stopping her from having Stockholm syndrome!” Ian was angry at himself. He had failed yet another training session. Maybe he wasn’t at his prime anymore. Perhaps if he stayed away from spy duty for a couple days, that would freshen him up and help him get back in shape. He called Miss Catherine: -”Hello Catherine? -”Yes, Ian?” -”Listen, you know that rehabilitation and recreation center in Lond...