From the motherland, with love!

1949, the population of the United States of America had been shocked with what they had been reading in the newspapers: The bodies of Soviet spies had started appearing all over New York, more and more found everyday. They didn’t have an easy death either. According to the police, they had been tortured to death with brutal methods. Whoever killed them really hated them and did it out of rage.

The man behind the murders was the “Spy Smasher”. Alan Armstrong, a wealthy, rich, handsome playboy and celebrity. He was friends with Admiral Corby, father of his fiance Eve. Admiral Corby was a very well known man in the military. He didn’t like most people he met with and Alan was one of the few people he actually enjoyed being around. The admiral had discovered that america was being infiltrated by soviet spies and thought something had to happen to stop them. Therefore, he made a costume for Alan and Alan took it, adopting the identity of the spy smasher and vowing to kill anyone working on behalf of a rival nation.

Alan showed no mercy when torturing and killing these spies. He believed them to be evil murderers, who brought nothing but misery upon the rest of the world. He didn’t believe they were capable of feeling mercy, compassion, or anything good. He thought of them as mere agents of destruction sent by the USSR.

At the Soviet Union, the heads of the secret service were worried about losing more of their spies. Thankfully, through bribing, blackmailing and some other shady tactics, they managed to find out who was committing the murders. And they decided that Spy Smasher had to be defeated. And who would be more appropriate to defeat him than agent Comrade Monke?

Monke was a black crested macaque, who had been created by Ilya Ivanov, a russian biologist with an obsession to create the ultimate agent in the form of a human-monkey hybrid. Although more of an anthropomorphic primate than a hybrid between a monkey and a human, Ilya was still happy he had achieved his goal. From that point, Monke became the ultimate warrior, and was given a soviet time-traveling machine russian scientists had discovered, making Monke the most feared weapon the communists had.

Despite being the weaponized creation of an experiment, Monke had a lot of personality. He had a deep Christian faith, a sense of humor and loved smoking and drinking. Monke was at his dacha reading a book when the phone rung and he was instructed to be at the Kremlin in 2 hours. Monke took his car and drove as fast as he could. He arrived to the kremlin, got out of the car, closed the door and walked inside. The secretary miss Anastasia welcomed Monke in the head’s office. “What would you like to drink?” she asked him. “A small glass of vodka would be nice” Monke replied. “Coming right away!” she said.

Eventually the head of the secret service arrived and sat on his chair. The glass of vodka was also brought to the office by miss Anastasia. Monke drank it slowly and seemed comfortable seating on the chair. The head of the secret service was pissed by Monke’s relaxed attitude. “Enjoying your drink, Your Majesty?” he angrily told him to mock him. “Relax! What’s the mission this time?” Monke said. The head did not lose time and started explaining to him. He informed him about spy smasher and how he has been torturing and killing soviet agents in america.

The head of the secret service instructed him to eliminate Spy Smasher and gave him information about Alan Armstrong: He was a sportsman, engaged to a woman named Eve, and lived in New York. Monke drove his car to the airport and took a flight to New York. When his plane landed, he set out to track down Alan. He came up with a plan: to set up a decoy to lure Armstrong and then fight him. So he wrote a letter to Spy Smasher, supposedly by a woman who had discovered her boyfriend to be a soviet spy. The letter said that her boyfriend worked at a club called “Cretan” in Miami and every night he stays late after it closes to clean. Spy Smasher prepared to go take care of him.

The next day, Monke took a flight to Miami. He managed to bring his guns and equipment with him by hiding them in a briefcase and bribing airport staff to let him bring it on the plane. Alan also took a flight to Miami and held a suitcase with him that contained his costume and gadgets. The plane took off. Alan walked to his seat. Next to him, a mysterious figure, almost not even human, a primate. Monke and Alan had gotten onto the same plane.

They started talking. Once he introduced himself as Alan Armstrong, Monke was shocked. That was his target, sitting right next to him. Monke however, didn’t want any innocents injured during the confrontation, so he took out his gun and fired in the air. He ordered the staff to bring him a parachute. The staff brought him one quickly, Monke kicked the door open and jumped off.
Spy Smasher took a second parachute and jumped off, with the intent to capture him.

They both landed in the middle of a forest, probably somewhere in the florida keys. Monke explored the forest, and eventually saw Spy Smasher who was looking for him. Monke took out his gun, but Spy Smasher saw him and avoided the bullet. He jumped and landed behind Monke, kicking him in the back of the head.

Monke seemed to have lost his consciousness. Spy Smasher was about to kill him. He grabbed a pointy piece of wood, and was about to stab Monke with it. Seconds before the wood was about to stab Monke’s heart, Monke dodged it. He jumped and grabbed his gun. Spy Smasher picked up a rock and was about to throw it at Monke when a gunshot was heard. Alan Armstrong had been shot in the neck, putting an end to his activities. “From the motherland, with love!” Monke said to Alan before Alan fell dead.

Monke run off and hijacked a boat. After many weeks, he managed to arrive in the USSR. He got rewarded with a medal for successfully pulling off the task and went back to his dacha to rest, slowly awaiting his next mission.
The end of Spy Smasher, but Monke will certainly go on many more adventures!


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