Casino Climax!

It is 1954, a SMERSH operative and gangster, Tony Camonte, runs a Casino in the USA, which is also a cover for soviet spy activities. Unfortunately, Camonte isn’t the most loyal of soviet agents… he has been spending the funds SMERSH has been providing him with on women, drugs, alcohol and gambling. Camonte also has killed and robbed innocent people, making him a danger for the USSR’s reputation if it’s ever discovered that he is a soviet operative. He needs to be “retired”, and fast. The soviets wished they had someone to do it but unfortunately, their best agent, Comrade Monke, had retired from service a few weeks ago due to his disillusionment with how the spy service was becoming less and less serious and plagued by playboy idiots working as spies.

The soviet leaders urgently needed Monke’s help with “retiring” Camonte. Monke was sleeping at his Dacha. At about 11:30 in the morning he was woken up by his clock. He got up and said his morning prayer, as he was a faithful Roman Catholic -a weird thing to come across in a country that was majority orthodox- and then went to the bathroom. He got out and went to exercise. While exercising, he heard car sounds outside. He looked out the window and saw some mysterious cars.

The people came out of the cars, and they were the soviet leaders and heads of service. Monke was annoyed, it was their 4th time trying to convince him to come back! Monke still welcomed them inside his dacha. “What do you want?” he asked them, although he knew the answer.

“You know what we want Monke. We fear for the socialist bloc and the entire world without you on the service.”

He started pouring some vodka in a glass. “When i was created in the 1920’s, espionage was like a miniature war. The agent, no matter if he was Soviet, British, American or otherwise, was an elite, trained, capable and self-controlling useful member of society. Nothing to do with those alcoholic sex maniacs that drive around in Aston Martins and bang 15 women every second. Like that one guy what’s his name? Jimmy?”.

“Listen Monke, you have your criticisms, and they are perfectly justified, but we need you! What do you want to return to duty” “That depends, how willing are you to purge the service of such people?” “Fine. It’s gonna significantly reduce the number of agents, but you’re more capable than the entire service combined!”

“Well then, in that case, i shall return. What’s my mission?” The heads of the service explained the mission to Monke and how they were gonna need him to “retire” Camonte. “Camonte? But wasn’t he one of SMERSH’s best agents?” “Yes, but unfortunately a few weeks ago, since you retired from active duty, he started being a pain in the ass! Last week he killed a taxi driver because he was insulted by him on the street, Imagine if it’s ever discovered that that asshole was an operative for us, our reputation will fall rapidly.”

“You’re sure the Combined Intelligence Agency doesn’t know about him?” “Yes we’re sure” “So i won’t have any problems with Americans when i try to “retire” him? “Yes.” Alright then, I shall begin right away! Monke drunk his glass of vodka and arranged a flight for next morning. After arriving in the United States of America, he located Camonte’s Casino, which also was the actual name of the casino. “That bastard put himself in the title! Now that’s bad marketing if i’ve ever seen one.” Monke remarked. He saw someone approaching the entrance, so he decided to hide behind a tree. The man was a slightly overweight but capable, well-dressed man. It was American secret spy, agent Jimmy B.! “Those pricks assured me the Combined Intelligence had no idea…” Monke took out his pistol and attempted to shoot Jimmy, but he missed and had to hide from the people that were panicking.

Jimmy entered the casino, and asked for scotch. Jimmy met up with an old friend of his and agent of the British: Clarence Leiter. Clarence explained the situation to Jimmy: Camonte is trying to cheat at poker in order to try and win back the money he wasted, thus assuring SMERSH he actually didn’t waste any money. Clarence went to the bathroom afterwards. Some punches and shouts were heard but nobody gave attention to them, not even the half-asleep guards.

Monke came out of the bathroom with a nice, white, beautiful, tuxedo. He had stolen Clarence’s clothes and knocked him unconscious! Meanwhile, Jimmy was enjoying his drink at the bar. He saw a woman passing by. He recognized her immediately: the way she moved, her body, all pointed towards Valerie Mathis, an old lover of his… Jimmy started talking to her. Meanwhile Monke walked over to the bar and sat on a stool. He ordered some red wine. He preferred vodka, but he didn’t wanna arouse suspicion on what his allegiance was. He watched Jimmy’s activities, including his flirting with Valerie, his consumption and enjoyment of more than 4 glasses of alcohol and his discussion on American football with the bartender of the casino. “Very focused on his mission, i see…” Monke said.

Jimmy, after 2 hours of chit-chat with the bartender, finally walked off the bar and went to continue his mission. He sat at the poker table to confront Tony Camonte, wanting to capture him. Jimmy started playing poker with him. But Monke had a different idea of what to do to scumbags like Camonte, and he went to the poker table as well. Once Camonte saw him, he froze, and went silent amongst all the shouting and talking. He knew that Monke was leader of SMERSH. Monke sat down and started playing cards with Camonte and Jimmy.

Monke kept winning and winning. Camonte was annoyed and suggested they play baccarat instead. “Baccarat? That’s just poker for people who can’t count beyond 9”. Jimmy laughed and Camonte was annoyed again. Tony got off the table and walked to his room, as the casino also offered hotel-like services. Monke and Jimmy both rented rooms, hoping to take out Camonte at night while he would be sleeping.

Jimmy grabbed his gun, and slowly and silently walked over to Tony’s room. He slowly got inside through the door, and heard Tony and a girl having a fight. The fight was over the girl getting angry at Tony for forgetting their anniversary. “No one gets angry at the scarface” he shouted. The girl was scared and doubted whether she had to stay in this relationship.

After things calmed down a little, the girl asked Tony why he was called “Scarface”. “It’s because of the scar i have on my right cheek. It’s because when i was young, i was assaulted by a robber who stabbed my face with a stiletto.” “The girl kissed Tony, although her doubts over their relationship remained. Tony noticed Jimmy in the room and beat him unconscious.

Monke got out of the room, he walked slowly and silently to Camonte’s room. He got his gun out and slowly opened the door only to witness Jimmy knocked out. Monke was then knocked out as well. The next morning they woke up in the casino’s basement. They were locked in there. Jimmy and Monke both had lost their guns. They decided that the only way they were gonna get out of this is by cooperation between them.

Monke tried looking for something to pick the lock but suddenly the box he was about to open vanished. The basement suddenly started changing colors. It wasn’t a basement, it was some type of weird illusion room controlled by Camonte. Monke and Jimmy both started having hallucinations… living skeletons, multiple clones of themselves, multiple Camontes, it was crazy and Monke and Jimmy almost went crazy themselves. The girl from earlier was Valerie, she was in the control panel with Camonte. She was actually a french agent and was the girlfriend of Camonte!

After the illusion “trip” was over, at least for now, Jimmy and Monke spotted a broken part in the wall. Monke pushed it and it revealed a room next to the illusion torture chamber. It was a basement. “Oh that better be the actual one!” Monke remarked. They broke the rest of the wall and walked over to the basement. Monke found their guns in a box and they shot the door’s lock open. They were finally free. Monke and Jimmy run to the first floor of the casino where they played poker with Camonte the previous night. They shot some guards and saw Camonte running to his car.

They run and tried to take one of the guard’s cars when they saw a muscular guard inside of it. The guard got out and aimed a machine gun at them. “One move and you die” she said. Jimmy tried to slowly take out his gun but the guard shot him in the arm, injuring him. Monke grabbed Jimmy’s gun and tried to shoot the guard but he missed. The guard laughed and told him to prepare to die. Monke closed his eyes and started praying, preparing to be shot by dozens of bullets from the gun. A gunshot was heard, but it wasn’t from the guard’s gun.

It was Clarence! Although only in his underwear because of Monke’s tactics, he still managed to find a gun from a dead guard and save them. Monke was happy and felt his prayers were answered. Comrade Monke, agent Jimmy B. and Clarence Leiter now had to team up to take down Camonte, but they had major disagreements on what should happen to Tony. Monke believed that after everything he did, Camonte should be shot. Jimmy thought he should be captured by the Combined Intelligence Agency. Clarence believed he should be tried by Her Majesty’s government.

But this wasn’t the time for disagreements. “First let’s capture Camonte, then we’ll see” Monke said. Jimmy and Clarence agreed. After Clarence put on the guard’s clothes, they took the guard’s car and drove to his hideout. When they entered they shot some mobsters of Camonte and after looking they found him. “Comrade Monke! And you made some friends i see!” “You know Camonte?” Jimmy asked. “Doesn’t matter right now!” Monke said. At least your friends, or rather, one of them, knows how to do business, isn’t that right Clarence?” “Aye!” He replied.

Monke was confused’ “What’s happening? Why are you walking to his side.” “You never got it Monke, i was always perfectly capable of building my own organization. I joined SMERSH in hopes of taking it over some day, but i soon realized i don’t need you at all! Clarence, take care of them. Mail Monke’s head over to Miami later!”. Monke asked Clarence why he shot the guard then if he was working for Camonte, and Clarence responded that the guard was intending to join the witness protection program and double cross Camonte eventually. Monke tried to shoot at them but the weapon was shot off his hand by Clarence. Clarence took Monke’s gun and Tony locked the room, grabbed a suitcase and left through the window using a rope.

Clarence shot Jimmy in the head, killing him. His best friend for so many years, and now he had betrayed him. Clarence was, as it turned out, a terrible man, a terrible friend, and a good traitor.

Monke didn’t know what to do. He saw a spider on the wall. A huge one. Disgusted but not knowing what else to do, he grabbed it and quickly threw it on Clarence. Clarence screamed and panicked, letting Monke’s gun go. Monke grabbed his gun and shot him, killingm him. Monke then jumped out the window and took a taxi to the airport. After tipping off the taxi driver. He saw Camonte from far away preparing to get on a jet, probably heading to Miami.

Monke hijacked a jet and went after him. Monke flew over Tony's jet. They were now flying simultaneously. Monke activated autopilot and jumped on Camonte’s jet. He broke a window and entered. He killed some guards and confronted Tony. “It’s over, Camonte”. Camonte begged Monke not to shoot and offered to give himself up to SMERSH. Monke accepted and he ordered the pilot to go back and leave them at the casino.

The pilot flew over the casino and they jumped with parachutes outside the casino’s parking. Monke and Camonte went inside and he ordered Tony to give him the keycards and all that was required for control of the casino so that SMERSH would control it directly. They went to the main power core of the Casino and Camonte seemed like he finally surrendered, for the first time in his life.

Camonte was about to give Monke everything that was needed for control of the casino. When Monke picked up the box containing the keycards, Camonte attempted to make a run for it, intending to come back with mobsters and take back the casino. Monke shot at his legs. “Stop! Or i’ll plant a bullet to your skull.” Camonte quickly grabbed a gun that was stashed inside a box and jumped behind a crate. A gun fight took place. Valerie walked downstairs. “Tony, what’s happening?” she shouted. Tony used her as a shield. His own girlfriend, and he was using her as a shield.

Valerie realized what a crazy bastard he truly was. Monke aimed his gun at Camonte’ “One move and she dies, Monke!”. Valerie fought to break free, and managed to do so eventually. Camonte attempted to aim his gun at Monke when a gunshot was heard. Tony was shot by Monke. Camonte was shocked. Scarface, the big mobster who no one doubted or dared to fight, had finally been defeated.

Valerie thanked Monke. They returned to the USSR and she abandoned the French, becoming an agent for the USSR. Monke went back to his dacha, awaiting his next mission.

The end of “Scarface”, but Comrade Monke will return!


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