Casino Climax!
It is 1954, a SMERSH operative and gangster, Tony Camonte, runs a Casino in the USA, which is also a cover for soviet spy activities. Unfortunately, Camonte isn’t the most loyal of soviet agents… he has been spending the funds SMERSH has been providing him with on women, drugs, alcohol and gambling. Camonte also has killed and robbed innocent people, making him a danger for the USSR’s reputation if it’s ever discovered that he is a soviet operative. He needs to be “retired”, and fast. The soviets wished they had someone to do it but unfortunately, their best agent, Comrade Monke, had retired from service a few weeks ago due to his disillusionment with how the spy service was becoming less and less serious and plagued by playboy idiots working as spies. The soviet leaders urgently needed Monke’s help with “retiring” Camonte. Monke was sleeping at his Dacha. At about 11:30 in the morning he was woken up by his clock. He got up and said his morning prayer, as he was a faithful Roman Catho...