
Showing posts from July, 2024

Casino Climax!

It is 1954, a SMERSH operative and gangster, Tony Camonte, runs a Casino in the USA, which is also a cover for soviet spy activities. Unfortunately, Camonte isn’t the most loyal of soviet agents… he has been spending the funds SMERSH has been providing him with on women, drugs, alcohol and gambling. Camonte also has killed and robbed innocent people, making him a danger for the USSR’s reputation if it’s ever discovered that he is a soviet operative. He needs to be “retired”, and fast. The soviets wished they had someone to do it but unfortunately, their best agent, Comrade Monke, had retired from service a few weeks ago due to his disillusionment with how the spy service was becoming less and less serious and plagued by playboy idiots working as spies. The soviet leaders urgently needed Monke’s help with “retiring” Camonte. Monke was sleeping at his Dacha. At about 11:30 in the morning he was woken up by his clock. He got up and said his morning prayer, as he was a faithful Roman Catho...

Monke's Inspiration

So i’ve probably confused a lot of people with Comrade Monke’s inspirations on the OSSH wiki, mostly the poor editors who had to constantly link the characters I mentioned (sorry about that). With this text i might clear up some of that confusion. I will list here the characters and historical figures that inspired Comrade Monke, including which elements inspired specific traits of the character Emperor Palpatine: Monke’s ability to come up with genius plans to achieve his goals is taken from the character emperor Palpatine from the Star wars films, Kang the Conqueror, Cable: His time travelling abilities are inspired from here James Bond: Specifically, the David Niven iteration from Casino Royale 1967 (one of my favorite films), but some elements are also taken from the Sean Connery iteration (with Never Say Never Again being my favorite one of his) Blofeld: The famous James Bond villain inspired Monke’s leadership of the fictionalized version of SMERSH (Inspired by SPECTRE). The Max...

On the Trail of Captain Nazi

It was 1951, 9:50 PM, Athens was full of people, both greeks and foreign tourists looking to have fun. A taxi door opens and a mysterious, short figure walks out. He closes the door and tosses the taxi driver a pile of cash. The driver thanks him, and drives off. The short figure stood before the hotel building and entered, he was welcomed by the man behind the counter, “Mr Smith? Room 15 is ready sir”. The figure thanked him, took the key and took the elevator to floor 2. He opened the door, entered and opened the lights. The figure in reality is Comrade Monke, a soviet agent, assassin, and master of many other jobs. He had been created by Ilya Ivanov in the 1920’s when he was conducting experiments to create the ultimate monkey-human hybrid superwarrior. Monke was the only successful one of these. Despite being the anthropomorphic result of a experiment, meaning he has no family, and being mostly viewed as a weapon, he displays lots of style and personality, including a very strong C...