Red Death's Revenge
A mysterious woman was walking down the hall of the restaurant. Blonde, with red clothes and beautiful red boots. She wore gloves and walked in a sensual way. She entered the kitchen and was welcomed by the chef. The chef took her to the storage room.
He pressed a block on the wall, and the wall opened, revealing a cage-like entrance to an underneath structure. She entered and he closed the wall. The woman walked in front of the entrance and was scanned head to toes. The entrance opened and she walked down a set of stairs. Voices started becoming more and more clear and she entered a room of people seating in chairs. Not just common people however, those were well-known, superpowered villains.
The mysterious woman was Yrina, the “Corsair Queen”. The others in the room were Dr. Sivana, Mr. Jeepers, Captain Kidd, Captain Hook, Pete, Long John Silver, the outlaw Lobo, Conan the Barbarian, a small weird worm named Mister Mind, and others. They were all members of SMERSH, a soviet organization with members from multiple universes and time periods.
The leader entered the room holding a cute kitten. He sat on a gold decorated chair and was petting his kitten. The leader was a primate, a black crested macaque. It was none-other than the soviet time-traveling spy and warrior Comrade Monke. Monke welcomed the members to the meeting and told them about a new threat that has appeared or rather, reappeared.
The threat was Red Death, a NAZI agent who was believed to be dead until recently. A cruel living skeleton and a murderer dressed in a red robe. Daredevil, a boomerang-carrying hero had faced him during WW2 and crushed his plane. Red Death however did not die along with the rest of his henchmen, surviving with not even a scratch.
Red Death was not only a very dangerous fascist who would kill many people while alive, but he was also an obstacle to the plans of SMERSH. Red Death had as his ultimate goal world domination, something very detrimental to SMERSH activities. Therefore, Monke and the organization decided to stop him.
According to Dr. Sivana, only Daredevil knew where Red Death’s base was. It’s unlikely Daredevil would accept to team up with SMERSH however. Monke decided to go and find him. After traveling to America and looking for a week, Monke finally tracked him down and met him. “I know you, you’re that spy” Daredevil said and was about to take out his boomerang. “This is important, this is a threat to both of us” Monke answered, “Red Death is back” he continued. Daredevil stopped and accepted to work with Monke, telling him the location of Red Death’s base.
The base was located in antarctica. Monke organized SMERSH members and a portion of the soviet army. When they were about to leave via warships, Daredevil told Monke he would come with them, in order to redeem himself for failing to eliminate Red Death in their first encounter. Monke accepted, and they sailed to antarctica. After days of sailing and traveling by land, they finally reached the base. Monke commanded his soldiers to stay in their positions while he and Daredevil entered the base to disable defense mechanisms. They climbed a wall and reached a roof with some guards on. They knocked them out from behind and jumped down. They slowly and silently explored the base until they reached the main control room.
They knocked out the guards and examined the console. They managed to disable the defensive mechanisms, but they were spotted by a guard that held a sniper. He tried to shoot Monke but missed and injured Daredevil. Daredevil however, was still more than capable of fighting. The army invaded the base, starting a huge battle between Red Death’s army and the soviets. Daredevil and Monke then fought some guards and reached Red Death’s main office.
Red Death however, had planned ahead, and had gotten onto his personal train to escape. Monke and Daredevil went after him. They stole a car from Red Death’s base and started chasing the train. They tried to reach it at a distance where they could jump off the car and onto the train. A henchman of the Red Death got out and began shooting at the car. Daredevil threw his boomerang at him and he fell off, but the car had already caught on fire from the gunshots.
They took a risk and jumped off the car and onto the train successfully. They climbed down a ladder on the side of the train and jumped through the window. After they fought some guards they reached Red Death. “Comrade Monke! And i see you brought a friend!” Red Death shouted and laughed. Monke jumped on him and tried to punch him but Red Death kicked him out the window. Monke was holding on. Daredevil tried to throw his boomerang at him but Red Death shot him on the shoulder.
Red Death slowly walked to the window and pointed his gun at Monke. “Say goodbye!” Red Death said and put his finger on the trigger. Before he could fire however, a boomerang was thrown at his skull, and he fell off the train, which was at this point right next to a huge cliff. Red Death finally met his death, putting an end to his reign of terror. Daredevil, injured and with a bloody costume but still alive, helped Monke climb up.
The train was stopped by some soviet soldiers and Monke and Daredevil got out. The base had been blown up by the soviets. Daredevil, now that Red Death was out of the way, could now focus his attention on fighting other bad guys or at least who he considered to be a bad guy, such as Monke and the soviets for example. However, for helping him fight Red Death, he promised to give Monke and SMERSH a head start of two days.
And so Monke returned to the USSR, remaining a soviet agent and leader of SMERSH.
The end of the Red Death, but Comrade Monke will return in many more adventures!
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