The Monkey Corps
It was a cold night in Siberia. A helicopter is flying through the snowy skies. The helicopter landed on a base that stood on the full-of-snow ground. Out of the helicopter came Comrade Monke, wearing a warm coat with a necklace underneath. The necklace had a crucifix, the face of Jesus, and the Virgin Mary, and all of them were beautiful, pure gold. The coat was a black one. Monke also wore boots and warm, green pants.
Monke walked towards the base’s entrance, which was decorated with bullet-proof glass and was guarded by two men, apparently soldiers of the red army. Monke said “hi” to the guards and he entered the base. Instead of a guard, he was welcomed by an attempt on his life! Two people had arrived at the base earlier, disguising themselves as red army soldiers and were walking around the base, waiting for Monke, without anyone noticing them.
Monke walked into the bathroom where the attempt to kill him took place. Before he could wash his hands, he was grabbed from behind by one of them, and the other tried cutting Monke’s throat. Monke struggled. For a moment he thought his life would now be over. So he made one final prayer and prepared for his life to end. In those final moments he recalled his past missions, particularly the one where he killed Tony Camonte, the “Scarface”.
Before the knife could slice Monke’s throat however, he managed to break free, and he grabbed the knife and slit the assassin’s throat instead. The other one made a run for it. Monke ran after him. The assassin, still disguised as a red army soldier, ended up at the cafeteria of the base. He sat on a table along with the other red army soldiers, blending in. Monke entered the room, and started searching for the assassin.
He searched and searched, but couldn’t find him. However he was, at least, still alive, so he thanked God and ordered a coffee to relax. The other assassin eventually ran out the base, stole a helicopter and successfully escaped. Monke went to one of the base’s many rooms, locked the door, and lied down on his bed. He started reflecting on the attempt. What if he hadn’t managed to break free and he had been killed?
He was smoking cigar after cigar, and drinking bottle after bottle. Fortunately, due to his special abilities, he couldn’t get drunk. Monke once again started reminiscing on his past missions. He had faced a lot of foes, Spy Smasher, Captain Nazi, etc yet his encounter with Tony Camonte was the strongest of those memories. He could still see him standing there, holding his girlfriend Valerie as a human shield.
Valerie manages to break free, Camonte lifts his gun and is about to shoot her when suddenly there is a gun sound. That’s it, Camonte is dead. The Scarface’s reign of terror is finally over. Monke recalled upon this memory. His memories were interrupted by a phone call. Monke picked up the phone and was called to the base’s central office by the heads of the secret service.
Monke got dressed in a nice, white tuxedo and went to the office. He saw the heads of the service anxious. Monke sat on the chair and joked. “You should see your faces right now! Like a bunch of angry clowns” This pissed off the heads of the secret service but they didn’t say anything because they were too anxious to focus on Monke’s one-liners. Monke asked what his mission was this time. The started explaining to him. “Monke we looked at the radar and saw some weird, unidentifiable helicopters coming here. We don’t know, they could be of american, british, french, etc origin, but this probably means nuclear war.”
Monke told them not to worry and that he would take care of it. He took a helicopter from the base and he flew to investigate. He eventually saw the helicopters. They indeed looked full of armed men, but they weren’t from any of the western states. Rather, they had weird, scar-like symbols on their armors. Inside one of the helicopters however, was the assassin that had previously escaped! Once they saw Monke’s helicopter and who was inside, they turned back, as they knew what he was capable of.
Monke followed them with his helicopter. They eventually reached mainland China. Monke’s helicopter however, was shot down by one of the hostile helicopters that had a turret gun! Monke’s helicopter crashed in mainland China. He woke up inside a building, and his wounds were being taken care of. However, it wasn’t a nurse or a doctor, but rather another monkey!
This was also no ordinary monkey, but rather it was the legendary Six-Gun Gorilla! He hadn’t been killed like many believed, but survived. Now with no purpose in life, as he had killed those who killed his master, he wandered around the world aimlessly. He had ended up in mainland China now and became friends with the local, maoist authorities.
Monke knew of the legend of Six-Gun Gorilla well enough. A smart Gorilla who’s master had been killed by a gang of thieves, he picked up a gun which he knew how to use thanks to his master and killed the thieves one by one! However he was surprised to find out the Gorilla lived, as legend had it he was killed in the final confrontation with the final thug.
Monke thanked Gorilla for taking care of his wounds. Monke opened the door and was about to leave when he saw the Gorilla about to follow him. The poor Gorilla wanted a “partner-in-crime”, metaphorically speaking, so bad. Monke let Gorilla come with him.
The duo of primates walked and wanted to find a plane so they could get to the USSR and continue the mission Monke had been assigned. On their way there, they heard some weird sounds of people being hit. They went to investigate and saw yet another primate! It was Sun Wukong, the legendary “Monkey King.” He was fighting some agents of the people that were inside the helicopter that shot Monke’s helicopter down. At first, he thought Monke and Gorilla were also agents of those people, and a battle ensued between the duo and Sun Wukong.
Monke eventually kicked Sun Wukong to the ground, and took his fighting stick. Monke asked Sun why he was fighting them, and he said that he was fighting them because they were “SCAR” agents. “What is SCAR?” Monke asked. Sun Wukong then realized that he had made a terrible mistake, and the duo were not SCAR agents.
Sun Wukong explained that SCAR was an organization operating in the Caribbean, with agents all over the world. “Are you the Comrade Monke they are after” the Monkey King asked Six-Gun Gorilla. “Nah that would be me” Monke said. “The agents probably thought i was Comrade Monke” Wukong said.
“Why are they after me?” Monke asked. “Because their leader was injured, almost fatally, by you. Idk if it’s true, but they say you shot their leader, Tony Camonte, who is currently trying to find you and get his revenge.” Monke laughed. “No no, quite happily Camonte’s dead, very, very, extremely dead.” Wukong then explained that the Camonte Monke killed must have been a clone. “That bastard has cloning technology?!” Monke remarked.
Wukong then apologized for the mistake he made in thinking the duo were SCAR agents and was given his stick back. Wukong then decided to join them in their journey. The trio then “borrowed” a plane and tried to travel to the Caribbean, where the SCAR headquarters were. However, their aircraft was once again shot down by SCAR helicopters. This time they crashed in Africa. “Oh not again!” Monke complained.
While walking through the jungle, they saw a very tall, fascinating creature. It was a tall Gorilla. This Gorilla was named by the locals as the “Gorilla King” because he could tear apart even the supposed “King” of the jungle that was the lion. Because the trio were also primates, the Gorilla King did not believe they were enemies and joined them in their journey. The Gorilla King had a bone to pick with SCAR, as the organization had been exploiting his home for personal gain and had been exploiting and abusing the locals. The four primates now composed a team powerful enough to take down Camonte!
The team was helped by the locals, and they were given a boat so they could sell to the Caribbean. “If this one gets destroyed as well, I might actually retire again.” Monke joked. The team took the boat to the island where Camonte’s base was. They got off and suddenly saw a huge army of SCAR agents, armed, approaching. Monke stood in front of the team. “Aven- eh i mean Monkey Corps assemble!” “Why are you shouting?” Wukong asked Monke. “I saw this in a movie once. It was epic!”
The team ran towards the army, fighting dozens of them and winning. The team then ran and tried to reach the base to destroy it. They entered inside and continued fighting. A huge screen then turned on, interrupting the battle. “Comrade Monke! You brought a whole squad this time!” Camonte said, appearing on the screen. Monke then told the rest of the team to continue fighting while he went up and tried to find Camonte’s headquarters.
After fighting dozens of guards. He reached Camonte’s office. However he saw 5 Camontes! Who was the real one among the clones? Monke tried to shoot all of them to make sure, but 4 Camontes ganged up on him while the real one pressed a button ordering the base’s self-destruct and ran to escape, hoping to get Monke and the team killed. Monke managed to take down all 4 Camontes by himself. He ran after Camonte, but saw him entering an escape capsule and launching off into an unknown location. Monke and the team reunited. They got off the base and got on the boat, seeing the base blow up before their eyes. Camonte had escaped, but at least his base and his operation was destroyed, for now…
Monke and the team split off, but they all promised to keep in contact and reunite if another threat ever presented itself. Monke returned to the USSR, where the heads of the secret service were super worried that he had been missing for so long and were really happy to see him return. Monke went back to his dacha and smoked a cigar before going to sleep.
Comrade Monke will return!
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