A weird creature was swimming in the waters of Cuba. It didn’t look like an alligator, neither like a shark or fish, but rather… like a primate! He got out of the water, revealing a black crested macaque walking and acting like a human. It was the legendary Comrade Monke.
Created as part of a series of experiments by soviet scientist Ilyan Ivanov, Monke was the result of the only experiment that succeeded. He had also been given a time-traveling device discovered by the USSR. Despite being the creation of an experiment, Comrade Monke had a lot of personality and charm. He was a faithful Christian, smoked, drank, gambled, and a lot of other things.
Monke was there to prevent an American invasion against Castro's Cuban Government to take place. He silently moved around an army settlement by the American army and was carrying explosives. He moved inside the settlement, and knocked out two American soldiers standing close to the entrance. He kept moving around the settlement, placing the explosives one by one.
Before he could place the final explosive, he was spotted and an alarm was heard. Monke shot the soldier that spotted him on the leg. He placed the final explosive quickly and ran out, fighting many American soldiers on the way. He hid in some woods, detonated the explosives and got out of there as fast as he could. He had prevented the American invasion, for now at least.
Comrade Monke returned to his hotel in Cuba, where he was personally greeted by Castro himself and was thanked for his contribution to preventing the American invasion of Cuba. Monke went to his room and went to take a bath. While wiping himself and preparing to put his clothes back on, a mysterious man came out of the closet silently, aiming a gun at Monke, preparing to kill him.
Monke noticed him and jumped out of the way, with the bullet going onto the wall instead. Monke jumped backwards and kicked the assassin in the back. The gun fell down and Monke jumped and grabbed it. He shot the assassin in the legs and interrogated him. The assassin revealed he was an American agent. The bodyguards of the hotel had heard the gunshots and entered the room, arresting the assassin and sending him to a jail cell.
Monke slept and soon he went back to the USSR. The socialist bloc had been saved yet again from the forces of imperialism. Once he reached the motherland again, he quickly went back to his dacha, smoked two cigars, and slept till the morning.
It was 11:30 in the morning. Moscow was beginning to get crowded, cars in the roads, people in the streets, kids buying ice cream. It was a beautiful day. Comrade Monke was sleeping at his dacha until he was suddenly woken up by a phone call. Monke wanted to sleep more, but as it was probably a mission, he knew he couldn’t and had to go to the office of the secret service.
Monke slowly got off his red, warm bed. He put on his flip-flops and grabbed some keys from his office. He unlocked the bathroom door and after finishing with the bathroom went to the kitchen to eat something. He then smoked a cigar and prepared himself to go to the office and receive his mission briefing.
He went outside and prepared his car. He got inside and drove all the way to the Kremlin where the office of the heads of the secret service was. He got inside the office where he was greeted by the secretary. He waited in the lounge room reading a magazine. He read that “Our country is boycotting the olympics again.” He also read other news. Monke was eventually called in the office of the head of the service.
Monke sat down on a chair and the head of the service eventually entered the room and sat down as well. “Congratulations on your last mission Comrade Monke, you prevented an invasion that could have been disastrous for the socialist bloc.” “Just doing my duty as a loyal soviet, committed to the cause of socialism.” Monke responded.
Monke poured some vodka for him and drank it slowly. “Now, Monke, we need you for a much more important mission tho.” “More important than preventing an invasion?” Monke asked. “Yes” the head of the service responded. “Yesterday morning, an American nuclear warhead was accidentally launched to the sea and-” “and you want me to go take it?” Monke asked. “Let me finish!” the head of the service shouted. “...and it was stolen by an unknown organization. I want you to find who stole it. We have a lead in Greece. Go to Athens and begin your investigation immediately.” “Ok sir” Monke agreed.
Monke booked a flight to Greece and left the next morning. He got on the plane and when he was finally there he was welcomed by the lead. His name was Markos and he was a Greek tall muscular man with a mustache. Monke followed him to a hotel where he was living and Monke stayed there as well. The next morning they went to a coffee shop to discuss the mission. Markos told Monke that when a member of the organization was helping to steal the warhead, he was eaten by a shark before he could reach the boat. The remains of that man could perhaps have something on them that would point Monke to the organization responsible.
Monke and Markos arranged to go with a boat all the way to the spot where the warhead was, and so the next morning they went there. Monke wore a special suit and jumped into the water, and Markos did the same. While Monke was swimming, Markos suddenly went back up and threw some bombs down in the water where Monke was.
While Monke was searching the body, he found a special, weird ring on the remains of the man, and kept it for further research.
Suddenly, an explosion went off and Monke was knocked unconscious. Those were the bombs that Markos had thrown in the water. Markos had betrayed Monke to the organization they were after!
Monke, could have died, but because of his enhanced abilities managed to remain alive, without Markos knowing however. He was spotted and rescued by a fishing boat. When he woke up he saw nurses and doctors over him. It was night outside. He was in a Turkish hospital. He stayed in the hospital a shorter period than expected by the doctors, because he had recovered faster due to his soviet enhancements.
Monke booked a hotel in turkey, planning to stay there for a day and then return to active duty and his mission. “I think I deserve a small vacation after that little, “adventure” i just had” he thought. Monke was welcomed to the hotel by a receptionist and then went up to his room. Strangely, he found the door already open. When he entered he didn’t see anyone at first, but he suspected there was someone else in the room, so he took out his gun, opened the closet and aimed his gun at… nothing. No one was there.
Suddenly he heard noises from the balcony. He was now sure someone was there. He run to the balcony and was now held at gunpoint by an assassin that had been sent to kill him. “Fall to the ground and pray, Monke!” The assassin said.
Monke jumped inside the room and out of the way of the bullets. The assassin entered the room but Monke shot him before he could do anything. The people in the other rooms heard the sounds and called the police. Monke however managed to escape before the police could find him.
Monke silently traveled to a port and took a boat back to greece. After arriving to the port of Piraeus, he took a cab to a hotel and after contemplating it, decided not to go after the traitor, as it would distract him from his mission. Monke armed himself to the teeth, and started looking at the ring hoping to find a clue. He saw a weird logo on it, a poisonous snake with large teeth. He also saw a writing on it: “Prometheus.” Prometheus was the name of a club in Athens. Maybe that’s where he would find more clues to the people that stole the warhead.
Monke took a cab to the club. After tipping the taxi driver, he tried to enter the club but they wouldn’t let him in. Monke then thought of showing them the ring, and so he did and they let him in. Monke went into the club and saw people everywhere. They all wore a ring just like the one Monke had. This must be the headquarters of the organization.
Monke asked the bartender where the manager’s office was but the bartender wouldn’t say. Monke thought that it was time for more drastic measures, so he showed his gun to the bartender and the bartender finally spoke. Monke went to the manager’s office and opened the door, going in. He asked the manager what organization he works for and the manager laughed. “You think i’m gonna tell you, Monke?” Monke was shocked the manager knew his name. “How do you know my name?” Monke asked.
“Our whole organization knows you Monke!” said the manager and took his gun out. “One move and I will turn your monkey brain to jelly!” Monke lifted his hands up. The manager aimed his gun at Monke and got close to him. “Now, let’s go for a little ride” the manager said and took him to a car driven by another member of the organization. Monke was trying to find a way to escape but he couldn’t find any.
Monke was taken to an underground bunker. He was then taken to the boss of the organization. The boss was a mysterious figure, with a scar on his face. He was none other than Monke’s old enemy, the gangster Tony Camonte. “Monke, long time no see!” Camone said. Monke saw the warhead next to Camonte. “What are you planning to do with that warhead, Camonte?” Monke asked. “What everyone in this world wants Monke! To rule the earth!”
Monke broke free and kicked one guard, sending his gun flying into the air, while he stole the other guard’s weapon and shot the guard in the leg, not wanting to kill him. He then aimed his gun at the warhead. “One move and we will all turn to ashes, Camonte!” Monke shouted. Camonte panicked, and he quickly ran to the escape capsule, knowing Monke wouldn’t really wanna cause an explosion.
Camonte entered the capsule and ordered the self-destruction of the base. Monke however couldn’t just escape without making sure that the nuclear explosion would be avoided. So he sat there attempting to dismantle the bomb. Self-destruction would come in about 10 minutes, but Monke couldn’t risk it. He managed to dismantle it in 5 minutes, now however, he had to find a way to escape. He explored the base, fighting guards on the way, and eventually found another escape capsule. He entered it and it launched him above ground in a few seconds!
The base exploded, but no nuclear explosion took place thanks to Monke’s actions. Monke returned to the USSR and was awarded a medal for managing to dismantle the nuclear bomb. Monke returned to his dacha, awaiting his next mission.
Comrade Monke will return!
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