A Personal War
It was a great celebration and wedding, the bride and the groom came out of the limousine, walking to the church. The heads of the secret service, the party leaders, and many members of SMERSH and the soviet secret service were present. The most important guest was undoubtedly Comrade Monke. While waiting for the ceremony to begin, Monke begun exploring his memories.
Monke was the result of a series of experiments by Ilya Ivanov, a soviet scientist obsessed with creating the ultimate human-monkey hybrid super warrior. While turning out to be more of an anthropomorphic monkey than a hybrid between a human and a monkey, Ivanov was still happy he had achieved something great. Monke was also given a time-traveling device that had been discovered by the USSR that allowed him to travel between periods, timelines and universes, and from that point he became the communists’ most feared and strong weapon.
Despite being a mere creation of an experiment and viewed by most as simply a weapon, Monke had lots of charm and personality, as well as a moral code and set of beliefs. He had a deep Christian faith, loved smoking and drinking, had a deep sense of humor, and loved gambling, painting and writing.
But Monke’s thoughts were interrupted by the beginning of the ceremony. The bride and the groom walked up the church staircase and the priest welcomed them. Suddenly, Monke felt that something was wrong. And he was right. An explosion went off, destroying the church, killing the guests, the priest, and everyone except the heads of the service and Monke.
Monke passed out and later woke up in a pull of blood that was formed by the dead bodies of the guests. Monke saw the chaos and was shocked. In all his time serving his country as leader of SMERSH and soviet agent, he had never seen anything like that. Monke promised to himself that he would find the people who did this and wipe them off the face of the earth.
While exploring the destroyed building, Monke saw the body of someone he didn’t know. It was someone who wasn’t invited to the wedding, it wasn’t one of the guests. Monke made a realization: It was the man who placed the bomb and it blew off right in front of him before he could manage to get away!
The man was dying. “Who made you do this?” Monke asked him. The man said “The one-eyed man.” Monke couldn’t think of anyone else who was one-eyed and would have the motivation to do this but one: Captain Battle. Battle and Monke had a past: They were sworn enemies, with Battle serving American patriotism and Monke serving Soviet communism.
Monke immediately left the scene, deciding to not rest until he finds Captain Battle and punishes him. Monke booked a flight for America and left the next morning. When he arrived in New York city, he took a cab to a hotel and stayed there until the next day. Monke needed to come up with a plan to locate Captain Battle. Perhaps there was someone who knew: Captain Battle’s associate and another one of Monke’s old enemies: Bart Hill, AKA the “Daredevil.”
Monke set out to locate Daredevil. He knew where he lived, as did the entire secret service of the USSR. Monke went to his house. It was night. He climbed through an open window, and found Bart sleeping. Monke took out his gun and aimed it at Daredevil, before sitting in a chair close to the bed. When Bart woke up, he slowly opened his eyes and saw Monke sitting at the chair, aiming his gun at him.
“I have a list, we’re gonna go through it together, until you start talking” Monke said, threatening Hill. “I’ll tell you everything you know. Just don’t hurt me” Daredevil said. “Where is Captain Battle?” Monke asked. “I don’t know,” Hill responded. Monke got up angrily, hit Hill in the face with the gun and asked him again. Bart Hill finally responded: “He’s in Florida! He’s hiding in an abandoned building that used to be a hotel called “Control”! Please leave me alone Monke!”
“I will go now. A word to anyone and you’re a dead man!” Monke responded. Monke left through the same window. He booked a flight to Florida and didn’t even bother booking a hotel, he couldn’t rest until Captain Battle was punished for what he did. Monke went to the abandoned building and once he entered he was welcomed by guards that attempted to shoot him. Monke hid behind a ruined, old couch and started shooting, managing to kill all the guards one by one.
Monke started exploring the building, until suddenly, he was shot at. Thankfully, the one who shot him missed, and Monke turned around and faced him. It was him, Captain Battle was standing right there. “Before I kill you, might as well tell me why you did what you did” Monke said. “Don’t you get it Monke? It was you I wanted to kill. It didn’t matter whether you took another 20 people with you, as long as I killed YOU” Battle responded.
Monke took out his gun and attempted to shoot, but he had run out of bullets! Monke hid his gun and jumped out of the way before Battle could shoot at him. Monke hid behind a table, but Battle kept firing at him. Time was running out, and Monke had to act. He threw his gun onto Battle’s face, breaking his nose. Monke then jumped on him, and started punching him with his right arm. Battle tried to resist and kicked Monke.. Battle grabbed his gun and shot Monke.
But there was no bullet in the gun! Monke managed to take them when he was punching Battle. Monke put the bullets in his own gun and shot Battle in the neck, killing him. Monke returned to the USSR. He wasn’t awarded anything, because he wasn’t on an official mission, but he returned to his dacha and finally managed to rest after a long and hard adventure.
The end of “Captain Battle,” but Comrade Monke will return!
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