My adventure at Golden Island

I was inside the bar, singing with the rest of my cutthroat crew:

-”15 men on a dead man’s chest. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Drink and the devil had done for the rest! Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!”

Suddenly a mysterious figure entered the bar. He gave one of the men in there the black spot. A bad thing for any pirate to receive! The figure then mysteriously disappeared. The man who had received the spot was scared and walked up to me.

-”Here, take this! Before the cat finds me!”

He gave me a treasure map leading to the mysterious Golden Island.

The man then went into hiding and completely disappeared.

And so I knew my next mission: To find the treasure of the golden island. However me and my crew lacked something essential: a ship! And so we set out to commandeer a small sloop called the Ranger, which originally belonged to the pirate Calico Jack and was now in the ownership of the royal navy.

We went to the governor, to nicely ask for it. In fact we even offered him a substantial amount of gold to take it lawfully. But he refused to bargain with “our kind” (he meant pirates). And so we had to find an… alternative way to sail on it.

One night, when no one was looking, I gathered my crew once again and we stole the ship by distracting the guards with rum. We then proceeded to set sail for adventure!

Oh yeah, this might be a good time for me to tell you my name. I am Lelos. Lelos the Canary. And my crew were the following:

-Pey’g the pig

-Joshamee the budgie

-Jack the cockatiel

-”Konstantinos the maltese dog

And of course many others, whose names I can't really remember at the moment. Must be the rum!

While we were sailing and we were approaching Golden Island, we heard a strange sound coming from the sea. Weird roars, the sea shaking, and even the fish in our barrels were freaked out!

Then we found out why: a giant octopus, known as the kraken, attacked our sloop!

The entire crew was scared, but then I saw a royal navy ship chasing after us, and I knew this was our chance to get rid of both the kraken and the navy ship. I took a feather from my wing, tied it to a rock, and threw it at the navy ship which had gotten pretty close.

The kraken, stupider than a rat, thought the feather was me! And so followed the fleeing navy ship where the feather with the rock had landed on.

And that’s how we managed to escape the Kraken.

Me and my swashbuckling crew managed to finally reach Golden Island. We got off the ship, armed ourselves to the teeth (well, at least those that had teeth. Birds don’t have teeth you know…) and went on an expedition.

When we finally reached the location of the treasure, we… found nothing! No treasure! We were sad, annoyed, and some of us even cried at the disappointment. The only thing we found was a note that said:

“HAHAHAHAHA. We got here first!”

“It must be Captain Edward Cat!” I thought.

We then got back to our ship, disappointed and sad, until we saw a ship leaving.

We knew this was Captain Cat and his ragtag crew. And so we quickly set sail and followed him.

When our ships were side by side, the battle began!

The cannons were firing, with damages to both ships.

I then flew to the rival ship where I met Captain Cat face-to-face.

He took out his sword and attacked me but I blocked with my sword. We continued fighting until the crew managed to recover the treasure, at which point I flew back to my ship and steered away!

-”Damn you Lelos! I shall have my revenge!” he shouted, but we had already left, it was too late for him to try anything.

We went to Tortuga, where we wasted all our treasure!

And so that’s how we ended up with 300 barrels of rum!


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