A brief encounter
The assassin walked slowly, silently, not wanting to be heard. He saw his target right in front of him, giving a speech to SMERSH members in an underground base. Before he could assassinate him, the target turned around and shot him instead. The target was Comrade Monke, Warlord of SMERSH and soviet agent. Monke laughed and continued his speech, almost as if nothing had happened.
The speech was finished and Monke went back to his dacha. Before he could sleep he heard weird noises outside. He went to investigate when he was suddenly knocked out. He was put on a plane and taken to antarctica. When he woke up, he was naked and cold. He was tied to a chair but managed to break the rope with his super strength.
He grabbed his weapons and clothes and put them on. He opened the door, only to find a tall, mysterious figure standing in front of him. A big bird was accompanying him. “A nasty little monkey aren’t we? I’ll try not to crush your soviet patriotism too painfully.” Monke was re-tied and went through a lot of torture and pain. The figure was Max Von Leon, commonly known as the Mad Scientist.
Monke was brainwashed to go against the USSR, becoming a soldier of the Mad Scientist. “Now, go and kill the head of the secret service!” The scientist told Monke and Monke obeyed the command. However once he was given back his weapon he suddenly turned and tried to shoot the scientist but missed.
“Your brainwash tactics don’t work on me, bald boy!” Monke said and shot the guards about to shoot him. Monke shot the scientist in the leg but didn’t kill him nor the bird accompanying him. “Consider this mercy. After all we are to love our enemies” Monke said, and ran away, stealing a jet and returning to the USSR and his dacha, awaiting his next mission.
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