Comrade Monke and the Dragon's fruit
It is the 1600’s, an age of piracy and wars between pirate factions. The Papal states are also thriving, Greece is under Ottoman tyranny, and the english and spanish empires are rich and with many colonies.
One very famous pirate during that era is Jack Dragonfruit, who travels upon his ship spreading fear among the seven seas. Dragonfruit was of greek origin, but having spent a lot of time in the papal states, had converted from Greek orthodoxy to Roman Catholicism. Dragonfruit was not his real name, but was a name he gained after having killed a legendary dragon and takingthe fruit he had in his head, as loot.
Jack Dragonfruit had docked in the Papal states once again. He went to attend mass. He entered the church and sat down preparing for it to begin. While looking around, he saw a mysterious figure. Mass started, and Jack and the mysterious figure received communion. After he got out of the church, he chased down the mysterious figure all the way to the docks. Dragonfruit caught up to him, and forced the figure to take off his mask.
Under the mask was a, weird, creature, not even human. A primate. The primate introduced himself as “Comrade Monke, Agent 0P.” Dragonfruit was terrified and thought Monke was some kind of monstrous entity, so he ran, got on his ship and tried to sale off. Monke jumped on the ship, terrifying the crew. The crew took their swords and tried to attack Monke but he took out his Makarov Pistol and they stood back.
“Dragonfruit, i need you” Monke said. “Why do you need me Monk?” “It’s MonkE, and i need you to stop destruction and demonic tyranny from unleashing upon the world. I am from the future, and if we don’t work together, the demons will try taking over first the State of the Church, then the rest of Europe, and eventually the world.” Dragonfruit was confused and terrified. “How exactly can i help with preventing that” “That fruit you took from the dragon i need it. It has an ability powerful enough to stop the invasion.”
“That fruit belongs to me!” Dragonfruit said and took out his sword. Monke, wanting a fair battle against this pirate, hid his gun and stole a sword from a crewmate. Dragonfruit attacked Monke and Monke blocked. They begun fighting on the ship. Monke surprisingly knew how to handle the sword, he had been trained in all types of fighting by his soviet superiors. Monke eventually kicked Dragonfruit’s sword off his hand. He kicked him on the docks and went inside Dragonfruit’s captain cabin to take the fruit while Dragonfruit’s crew pursued him. Monke took the fruit, hid it in his coat, and then fought Dragonfruit’s crew, defeating them easily but not killing any of them. Monke then got off the ship and begun running, eventually hiding in a church nearby, with Dragonfruit losing him.
Dragonfruit started looking for Monke, but eventually saw a weird flash in the sky. Sort of like, a weird sky door, eventually, weird flying things -in the future called spaceships- begun entering the Papal States’ air space. The demons had used future technology to upgrade themselves! Dragonfruit realized Monke was right. He turned around to try and run but saw Monke right and got scared. “I don’t wanna be that stereotype of a person, but i told you so” Monke said. The ships then landed, and while everyone else was running, Monke and Dragonfruit went in front. Monke and Dragonfruit started slaughtering the demons. Monke said “In the name of the Father, the Son of God Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit” and used the Dragon fruit, unleashing a light beam so powerful that it melted the demons and their ships to the ground.
Monke had done it, the demons were defeated and the world was saved. Monke tossed the dragon fruit back to Dragonfruit. “Now it’s yours again”. Monke then used the time travel device he had in his hand and disappeared right in front of them, leaving the people around and Dragonfruit shocked. Dragonfruit went back to his ship and sailed off into further adventures, while Comrade Monke went back to his dacha, awaiting his next adventure!
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