My adventure at London

Our sloop, the Ranger, was miles off Tortuga. I was inside the tavern drinking rum along with my crew when i went outside to look at the stars and that’s when i saw it:

A royal navy ship, approaching!

I warned my swashbuckling crew of what was coming and they quickly evacuated. While the citizens of Tortuga were hiding in their homes we went into the longboats to go back to our ship and quickly get out of there.

But it was too late, the navy ship had already docked and royal navy soldiers were invading tortuga, arresting pirates left and right! It wasn’t long before they arrested us too. They took us, tied the Ranger to their ship, and left, having arrested dozens of pirates.

While we were sailing towards England, I managed to use my beak to cut the ropes that they had tied us with. We took our swords, pistols, etc and freed the other pirates as well. Oh yeah, this might be a good time to introduce myself. I am Lelos the canary. Captain Lelos the canary.

So anyways.

It was then that the spontaneous mutiny started, we fought the royal navy soldiers and tied them. We then quickly went back to the Ranger and we cut the rope that tied the two ships together.

We set sailed and at first, it seemed like we had escaped danger.

However, we soon found ourselves surrounded by tons of Royal Navy ships! They tied the Ranger to one of their ships again, and we were back at square one. My crew and the rest of the pirates were imprisoned upon their ships again, while I was taken to the captain’s cabin to see the captain so he would teach me a lesson.

And who was the captain?

It was none other than Captain Edward Cat. Turns out, my old rival had become a privateer in the service of the king!

-”Lelos…” he said.

-”Aye! But there should be a captain in there somewhere…”

-”I don’t see your ship… captain…”

-”It’s right there, it’s tied up and it’s being taken towards england.”

-”That ship, which you stole, belongs to the royal navy!”

-”And since when do you care about the royal navy mate? You’re a pirate, just as much as I am!”

-”Pirate nay… privateer!”

And so after hours of talking, we reached England.

Me and the rest of the pirates, including my crew, were placed in the courtroom to be tried for our crimes.

-”Lelos the canary. You are hereby declared guilty of many crimes, including piracy, commandeering a royal navy ship…”

-”Actually! That ship belonged to Calico Jack.”

-”Yes, but after he was executed it was seized by the royal navy. Now where were we? Oh yeah! Commandeering a Royal Navy ship, escaping arrest, stealing treasure which was rightfully discovered by british soldiers, and many other disgusting, pirate crimes, you are thus hereby sentenced to be sent to a british prison, along with the rest of the crew and pirates”

And so I was locked up in a prison in london.

As I was looking outside the window, I suddenly saw a ship approaching london.

It fired a cannonball and attacked!

No building was spared.

That included our prison.

A cannonball was fired into our prison, causing a lot of damage and freeing us from our cells!

We gathered our stuff and we went outside. While some of my crew wanted to escape, I just couldn’t watch as people were running for shelter. I told my crew they could leave if they wanted, but I would stay and defend London, even if that meant getting arrested afterwards.

Me and the british soldiers fought off the pirate crew attacking, however i was knocked out at some point.

When I woke up, I was… terrified. I was in the presence of walking skeletons! Not that I hadn't seen some weird stuff before, but this was something else…

-”Hello good sirs, would you mind freeing me so I can head back to my ship?”

-”Shut up!” One of them said in a weird, disgusting voice.

-”Not very nice of you to talk like that to someone you don’t know…”

-”Why did you interfere in our business, Lelos…? We were looking for the treasure, and you helped them stop us! Now, for this, you shall be put to death!”

-”I understand everything… except for that disgusting voice!”

I said that and quickly used my beak to cut the ropes

I flew towards my sword and picked it up. I fought the skeletons off but they just wouldn’t give up!

Then their leader took out his sword and a sword fight began between us.

-”You haven’t told me your name yet, mate?”

-”I am Davy Jones. And you shall DIE!”

Suddenly, a cannon was heard firing, and the cannonball caused a massive hole next to the spot we were fighting at! It was my crew, they had recovered the Ranger!

I quickly flew towards our ship and we outrunned them.

-”Damn you LELOS THE CANARY!” Screamed Davy while we were escaping.

And thus I ended up with one privateer, one Royal Navy and one crew of undead walking skeletons after me! But I am positive that despite that, the best is to come! New treasures and adventures await us!

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Cheers!


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