
Showing posts from August, 2024

Dialogue with Comrade Monke

Captain Battle woke up in the basement, tied to a chair. He tried to break the rope but couldn’t. Suddenly the room lit up. A mysterious primate entered. It was SMERSH leader Comrade Monke. The previous night, Captain Battle had attempted to break into the SMERSH Headquarters to steal some plans that were prepared by Comrade Monke involving weakening of the western states. Captain Battle was knocked out however, and now he ended up tied in a basement. And there he was, the Warlord of SMERSH standing right in front him. However, he wasn’t the vile, ruthless individual Battle had imagined him to be. “Captain Battle! Don’t you know you can never outsmart mother Russia?” Monke said, and ordered the guards to untie Battle. “Why are you freeing me?” Battle asked. “We, the soviets, Captain, are not the murderers your old and very very dead friend the Spy Smasher made us out to be.” Monke and Battle sat in the base’s lounge room. “Why are you treating me, a sworn enemy of yours, so nicely?” B...

A brief encounter

The assassin walked slowly, silently, not wanting to be heard. He saw his target right in front of him, giving a speech to SMERSH members in an underground base. Before he could assassinate him, the target turned around and shot him instead. The target was Comrade Monke, Warlord of SMERSH and soviet agent. Monke laughed and continued his speech, almost as if nothing had happened. The speech was finished and Monke went back to his dacha. Before he could sleep he heard weird noises outside. He went to investigate when he was suddenly knocked out. He was put on a plane and taken to antarctica. When he woke up, he was naked and cold. He was tied to a chair but managed to break the rope with his super strength. He grabbed his weapons and clothes and put them on. He opened the door, only to find a tall, mysterious figure standing in front of him. A big bird was accompanying him. “A nasty little monkey aren’t we? I’ll try not to crush your soviet patriotism too painfully.” Monke was re-tied a...


1967, it was a cold night. Comrade Monke turned around and took out his gun. “Prepare to die, Monke!” the rival agents said. A gunfight broke out with Monke killing the rival agents easily and fast, striking like a thunderbolt. Monke hid his gun again and left the ship, having successfully placed the bomb and then detonating it, blowing up the CIA American-backed drug operation that had its headquarters in a ship just off the coast in Cuba. Monke traveled back to the USSR and was awarded a medal for successfully pulling the mission off. He went back to his dacha and slept. The next morning he was woken up by a phone call and was told to immediately come to the secret service headquarters. Monke could hear the head of the service being worried, so he acted fast and drove to the headquarters. When he entered, he was welcomed by Miss Anastasia and was served some vodka. The head of the secret service entered the room and informed him about his new mission. A person known as the Black Bat ...


A weird creature was swimming in the waters of Cuba. It didn’t look like an alligator, neither like a shark or fish, but rather… like a primate! He got out of the water, revealing a black crested macaque walking and acting like a human. It was the legendary Comrade Monke. Created as part of a series of experiments by soviet scientist Ilyan Ivanov, Monke was the result of the only experiment that succeeded. He had also been given a time-traveling device discovered by the USSR. Despite being the creation of an experiment, Comrade Monke had a lot of personality and charm. He was a faithful Christian, smoked, drank, gambled, and a lot of other things. Monke was there to prevent an American invasion against Castro's Cuban Government to take place. He silently moved around an army settlement by the American army and was carrying explosives. He moved inside the settlement, and knocked out two American soldiers standing close to the entrance. He kept moving around the settlement, placing t...

Comrade Monke #1

A Comrade Monke comic strip i created after waking up in the middle of the night. He wears different clothes than his coat and armor, this time around he's wearing a hat with a cross and sickle on it and and a tuxedo with a flower on it.  "The name's Monke... Comrade Monke" "I like my vodka stirred, not shaken"

The Monkey Corps

It was a cold night in Siberia. A helicopter is flying through the snowy skies. The helicopter landed on a base that stood on the full-of-snow ground. Out of the helicopter came Comrade Monke, wearing a warm coat with a necklace underneath. The necklace had a crucifix, the face of Jesus, and the Virgin Mary, and all of them were beautiful, pure gold. The coat was a black one. Monke also wore boots and warm, green pants. Monke walked towards the base’s entrance, which was decorated with bullet-proof glass and was guarded by two men, apparently soldiers of the red army. Monke said “hi” to the guards and he entered the base. Instead of a guard, he was welcomed by an attempt on his life! Two people had arrived at the base earlier, disguising themselves as red army soldiers and were walking around the base, waiting for Monke, without anyone noticing them. Monke walked into the bathroom where the attempt to kill him took place. Before he could wash his hands, he was grabbed from behind by on...

Comrade Monke and the Dragon's fruit

It is the 1600’s, an age of piracy and wars between pirate factions. The Papal states are also thriving, Greece is under Ottoman tyranny, and the english and spanish empires are rich and with many colonies. One very famous pirate during that era is Jack Dragonfruit, who travels upon his ship spreading fear among the seven seas. Dragonfruit was of greek origin, but having spent a lot of time in the papal states, had converted from Greek orthodoxy to Roman Catholicism. Dragonfruit was not his real name, but was a name he gained after having killed a legendary dragon and takingthe fruit he had in his head, as loot. Jack Dragonfruit had docked in the Papal states once again. He went to attend mass. He entered the church and sat down preparing for it to begin. While looking around, he saw a mysterious figure. Mass started, and Jack and the mysterious figure received communion. After he got out of the church, he chased down the mysterious figure all the way to the docks. Dragonfruit caught ...